Hi Everyone,
Welcome to my spot!
Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Aliza, an author of contemporary, paranormal and erotic romance novels. You may know me from blogging over at Heroes and Heartbreakers, or from Twitter. Or you may have just happened upon my page. Either way, thank you for taking a moment to visit with me.
A few things about me. I reside in Troy, MI with my family. My daughter is away in college and I have a 12 year old son, who is not yet in college (teehee). I laugh at my own jokes, I hate water chestnuts (really, what are they??) and I have been known to have more than a few conversations with myself - hence the only suitable occupation for someone with those personality traits is writing.
And I talk too much! For this reason, you can expect frequent and useless posts which will include my upcoming release information, some occasion rants on industry news, a few video posts which you may find just a bit odd and of course, visits from my muse (who is a drunken sociopath that you should not put too much stock into).
If you would more from me, I welcome you to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Heroes and Heartbreakers via the respective (and shamelessly self-promoting) URLs below.
Until next time, read a great book!
Twitter: @AlizaMannAuthor
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Aliza-Mann/142973155767149
Heroes and Heartbreakers: http://www.heroesandheartbreakers.com/Aliza%20Mann#filter
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